Mediation engages a licensed attorney, acting as a neutral, to help disputing parties reach an agreement. It is a more cost effective, time efficient, and co-operative route to dispute resolutions. Working with a mediator allows the parties to craft an agreement that is favorable for all sides, as opposed to having a judge make the decisions.
Types of Disputes
There are two types of mediation, civil mediation and domestic relations mediation.
Civil mediation typically involves parties that have no familial relationship (i.e. business partner, municipalities, personal injury cases etc.).
Distinctively, domestic relations mediation typically involves parties that have or have had a familial relationship (i.e. custody disputes, divorce, guardianship disputes etc.).

Advantages of Mediation
More cost effective than litigation.
Time efficient, parties control when, where, and for how long they will mediate.
Parties have more control over the outcome.
Parties decide a favorable resolution as opposed to having a judge decide for them.
Does not require the parties to waive their legal rights.
Cost and Time
Depending on the issue that needs a resolution, mediation can take from a couple of hours to two four hour sessions. We charge a flat rate for our mediation services. For more information on our rates please contact us.